Motorcycle Boots for Children

Motorcycle Boots for Children

Motorcycle boots for children must give the same level of protection as adult boots. That's why Louis sells children's boots modelled on the full-size version. If you're in any doubt about which to choose for your child, you can order two different sizes, or two different models, from Louis online and try them on. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

Rider Pro Youth Boot
RRP €149.99 €114.841
product TECH 3S
RRP €199.95 €145.951
Tech 3S Boot
RRP €214.95 €193.451
Motorcycle Boots for Children

Motorcycle boots for children must give the same level of protection as adult boots. That's why Louis sells children's boots modelled on the full-size version. If you're in any doubt about which to choose for your child, you can order two different sizes, or two different models, from Louis online and try them on. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

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