Motorcycle Leathers

Motorcycle Leathers

Leather clothing still gives the best protection when riding your motorbike. That, of course, is why leather gear is obligatory for all road racing. But it's not just the unrivalled tear and abrasion resistance that makes leather a good choice. It's a natural material that adapts to the wearer, so it fits like a second skin. And if you look after your leather gear, it will basically last a lifetime. Jackets and trousers are usually made from cowhide, but for racing gear, kangaroo leather is also used. At Louis you will find a huge range of leather clothing for every kind of use.

DL-JM-1 leather jacket
Detlev Louis
RRP €349.99 €319.991
Detlev Louis
RRP €299.99 €279.991
Detlev Louis
DL-JM-2 leather jacket
Detlev Louis
RRP €319.99 €199.991
DL-JM-3 leather jacket
Detlev Louis
DL-JM-5 Leather Jacket
Detlev Louis
DL-JM-6 Leather jacket
Detlev Louis
RRP €319.99 €99.991
Detlev Louis
RRP €299.99 €279.991
DL-JW-5 Ladies
Detlev Louis
DL-PM-1 Leather Trousers
Detlev Louis
Detlev Louis
DL-PM-5 Leather Trousers
Detlev Louis
Detlev Louis
Detlev Louis
Detlev Louis
Detlev Louis
RRP €119.99 €79.991
Motorcycle Leathers

Leather clothing still gives the best protection when riding your motorbike. That, of course, is why leather gear is obligatory for all road racing. But it's not just the unrivalled tear and abrasion resistance that makes leather a good choice. It's a natural material that adapts to the wearer, so it fits like a second skin. And if you look after your leather gear, it will basically last a lifetime. Jackets and trousers are usually made from cowhide, but for racing gear, kangaroo leather is also used. At Louis you will find a huge range of leather clothing for every kind of use.

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